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Upon entering to the Yo Hago El Cambio Affiliate Network, your company will have access a platform that includes the following services and benefits:


  •   Monthly report of waste recycled: Important and useful tool to keep track of recycling of waste. Ideal to present records and controls to be applied to environmental certifications such as Blue Flag, CST, etc.

  •   Annual Certificate: Thanks to all the good practices carried out jointly, delivered in December.

  •   Enrollment title to the Sustainability Network: Declaring that the affiliate is responsible and committed through its recycling practices. It is supported by the storage plants. For Tourism Companies the title is supported by CANATUR, CACORE and CCH.

  •   Advertising on Social Media: we promote the Affiliates Network members in our official Facebook page and website:

  •   For Restaurants: by joining our program, you can belong to the Yo Como Verde Network; an initiative that encourages and promotes restaurants that offer green, sustainable and healthy choices:

Beneficios para los Aliados

Yo hago el Cambio it is supported by the Following Institutions